The last six months of my life have been a whirlwind. I got married, went on a honeymoon, formed an LLC, and moved to Singapore all within two weeks. I gave up a job that I loved and said goodbye to family and friends that had turned in to my next of kin. I felt that I was moving away from purpose, which I had found in educating and guiding students, while helping other teachers become familiar with the technology that has become this generation’s language.

It wasn’t until a few days ago that I found my purpose hadn’t changed, even though my situation had. I started hopping on Twitter more to promote my freelance graphic design and marketing business and happened upon a post byTomas Laurinavicius about 50 Jobs You Can Easily Do While You #Travel. I retweeted the message and added my own enthusiasm. A conversation ensued between he and I regarding what my circumstances were and where I had traveled.